
Tourism Holdings Limited first listed on the NZX in 1986 and is currently listed on NZX and ASX (ticker code: THL). We started in New Zealand and are now the world's largest commercial RV rental operator with operations in New Zealand, Australia, United States, Canada, UK and Europe. In November 2022, thl merged with Apollo Tourism & Leisure, creating a multi-national, vertically integrated RV manufacturing, rental, and retail business spanning motorhomes, campervans and caravans. thl also operates tourism adventure, travel technology, and commercial vehicle manufacturing businesses.

thl FY25 Interim Results

Scheme of Arrangement with Apollo

As contemplated by section 11.1(c) of the Replacement Scheme Booklet released by Apollo Tourism & Leisure Ltd dated 26 October 2022, thl advises that the market value for the thl Consideration Shares for the Scheme Shareholders on the Implementation Date was NZ$3.58 or A$3.32. 1 

 1 Reflects the closing price for thl ordinary shares on 29 November 2022, converted at a NZD:AUD exchange rate of 0.92790 (source: Reserve Bank of New Zealand).


For any changes to Shareholder details queries please contact:

MUFG Pension & Market Services (formerly Link Market Services)

Level 30, PwC Tower
15 Customs Street West
Auckland 1010
Phone: +64 9 375 5998
Fax: +64 9 375 5990

For any other Shareholder enquiries please contact:

Amir Ansari

Tourism Holdings Limited
Level 1, 83 Beach Road
Auckland 1010, PO Box 4293
Shortland Street, Auckland 1140

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